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The international community reads confidence, warmth and motivation from China's two sessions

2023-03-08 410

"China sets an economic growth target of around 5% this year," "emphasizes maintaining economic stability and expanding consumption, and sets a target of adding 12 million new urban jobs." "Technology policies must focus on self-reliance and self-improvement." "China's economy is recovering steadily, Demonstrates great potential and momentum for further development”
"The success of China's economy is due to its huge size and great vitality" "The extensive application of China's scientific and technological achievements has also provided development momentum for surrounding regions represented by Southeast Asia" "China's promotion of high-quality development has a profound impact on the world economy"" China’s push for globalization is conducive to a more inclusive world development”
Immediately, overseas experts, scholars, and people from all walks of life focused on this meeting of the National People's Congress, made positive comments and made in-depth interpretations, and were full of expectations for China's development prospects and its positive global impact.
From the goal of GDP growth to greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment, from accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system to promoting the green transformation of the development model, in the first year when China fully implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the international community has The two sessions read out the measures and steps of China's high-quality development on the new journey, and read out the confidence, warmth and motivation that China's development has conveyed to the world.
Forge ahead, China's development has made great achievements
Resilience comes from adversity. In the past five years, China has withstood multiple tests such as the accelerated evolution of the world's changes, the impact of the new crown epidemic, and the domestic economic downturn. In the past year, China's economic development has been impacted by multiple unexpected factors at home and abroad, such as the epidemic, but it has still made extremely difficult achievements. It has achieved stable economic operation, steady improvement in the quality of development, and overall social stability.
In the past five years, which are extremely unusual and extraordinary, China's economic and social development has achieved major achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. China has won the battle against poverty as scheduled, built a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, achieved the first centenary goal, and embarked on a new journey towards the second centenary goal.
China's success story can be seen, touched and benefited by farmers as far away as Africa. In the Greater Mara area near Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, Fatima, a farmer in her 40s, squatted on the ridge of the soil, fiddled with the full gray-white mushroom caps, and her face was full of joy of harvest. In 2021, experts from the China-Africa Juncao technical project came here and changed the fate of Fatima and the villagers. Juncao technology, an important industry that has successfully helped many Chinese people get rid of poverty, has entered many countries, writing a vivid story of common development and improving people's livelihood and well-being.
The fruitful achievements of China's scientific and technological innovation have also attracted the attention of the world. New breakthroughs have been made in some key core technologies, and innovative achievements in fields such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration and fire detection, deep sea exploration, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, large aircraft manufacturing, and artificial intelligence continue to emerge.
"With the help of cooperation frameworks such as the 'Belt and Road Initiative', the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, China has promoted the application of high-speed rail, cloud computing, and mobile payment in ASEAN countries."The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway jointly built by China and Indonesia will greatly promote local transportation and economic development. Chinese Internet companies provide cloud computing services for Southeast Asian countries and help many countries realize the interconnection of payment methods through the concept of mobile wallets.
Seeking progress while maintaining stability, a bright future conveys the driving force of confidence
The streets and alleys are full of traffic, the shopping malls are bustling, and the restaurants and cafes are full of customers. With the enthusiasm and vitality of the Chinese people, China is back on the track of rapid growth. In February this year, China's Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was 52.6%, which was in the expansion range for two consecutive months. International institutions have also recently raised their forecasts for China's economic growth. "The success of China's economy, the most important thing is the leadership of the Communist Party of China and its decision-making based on the interests of all people." Wide application of high technology in social and economic development.
Since the beginning of the year, China has taken many measures to expand its high-level opening up. Starting from January 1, 1020 commodities will be subject to a provisional import tax rate lower than the most-favored-nation tax rate; the new version of the Catalog of Industries Encouraged by Foreign Investment will be officially implemented, and the scope will continue to expand; 6 places including Shenyang and Nanjing will be approved to carry out comprehensive pilot projects for expanding the opening up of the service industry. The service industry opens to the outside world and presses the fast-forward button...
Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation to build a community of shared future for mankind
   China firmly pursues an opening-up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win results, and has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order. The international community once again heard China's firm commitment from the opening meeting of the First Session of the 14th National People's Congress. In the eyes of the world, China walks the talk. The close cooperation between China and global partners has yielded fruitful results, benefiting many local people.
On the coast of the Red Sea in Egypt, the "Desert Flower" blooms - the China-Egypt TEDA Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone in Sukhnai Spring Port, Suez Province, Egypt, has now become the industry with the best comprehensive environment, the highest investment density, and the highest unit output in Egypt One of the parks has become a new engine for Egypt's economic development. The presence of Chinese-funded enterprises drives local technological development and industrial upgrading. The annual glass fiber production of China Jushi Egypt Fiberglass Co., Ltd., an enterprise in the park, exceeds 200,000 tons, making Egypt an important glass fiber production and trading country in the world.
Chinese-style modernization, a new concept more and more familiar to overseas people, is also one of the focuses of their attention. Against the background of the continuing tense geopolitical environment in the world today, China's attitude and measures to firmly promote the cause of world peace and development are very valuable. China adheres to a foreign policy of peace, equality and friendship, embodying the value orientation of "let us develop together". Such propositions and policies will make our beautiful planet more peaceful, tranquil and prosperous.

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